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Infoportal * Chicony LT3600 Manual / Bedienungsanleitung


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Manual for laptop computer Chicony LT3600 in English
Bought from eBay in 06/2022 for fu**ing 30€ and scanned for public in 07/2022

Parts - such as FN-Key bindings - might also apply to other models of that era/series. Sadly I've never got hands on the Utility Disk, but Appendix C has machine code to write your own FN-Key applications with MS-DOS' DEBUG.EXE utility.
If you have a broken screen and empty or dead Cemos battery you wont be able to enable the external screen at all. It was only possible using the machine code or a loaded LVGAKEYB.COM utility from the utility disk. Without it, FN-keystrokes are not recognized. That is why I decided to throw this machine away, the screen connector is a proprietary and soldered flex cable.

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