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DownloadDer Download Ihrer Datei An http client and server, a protocol analyser, and more (250.55 KB) startet in Kürze.

Wsplug, a Windows Sockets Client/Server Application, Version 2.0. This application implements a general client server concept, futhermore the GET command defined in HTTP/1.0 is recognized. It can be used as: - an http ("web") server (including a mailbox facility). - an http client, which is able to get a set of html pages (and associated images) logically linked. This allows you to quickly get a great amount of html pages, and then to work "off line" with these documents, using the "Load_File" facility of your favourite Web-Browser. - a ping client. Let's reduce the working window of Wsplug, you will get a blinking message which tells you if a remote host is alive or not. - an communication tool via internet in real time. - a simple protocol analyser, implementing a "proxy" service.

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