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DownloadDer Download Ihrer Datei weft3full.exe Microsoft Web Embedding Fonts Tool 3.0.exe (9.19 MB) startet in Kürze.

Microsoft Web Embedding Fonts Tool 3.0 - Microsoft pioneered font support in Web pages by including support for the FONT FACE tag in the very first version of Internet Explorer released in 1995. IE versions 3, 4 and 5 built on this support by including support for parts of the W3C's Cascading Style Sheet standard, which gives Web site designers greater control over font specification and substitution. Although these methods of specifying fonts within Web pages provide Web page designers with a high level of typographic control, they rely on the specified fonts being installed on a reader's computer. WEFT provides Web page designers with a solution to this problem. WEFT is a stand alone tool that lets Web page designers embed fonts within their Web pages. -

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